Let me introduce you to Mike AKA Exile Fabrications. Not only is he my Hubbys best friend… but his wife is MY best friend… AND if you are a blog follower you will know about Asher… and Asher is the offspring of these 2 awesome people! LOL On top of all the awesomeness… Mike is thee best fabricator on the planet! No really… hes amazing! Hes got a God given talent with metal… and let me tell you the welds you are seeing in these pictures are NOT done by a machine… these are Mikes hand welds!!! Yes its a compliment for someone to think these welds have been done by a machine… but I assure you he deserves ALL the credit for these perfect welds! It takes so much patients and such a steady hand to do stuff like this… its a true art that everybody can and should appreciate!
I will be making monthly visits to Mikes shop to keep up on the progress of this monster hes building. You can check out his web site www.ExileFabrications.com to see other projects in the mean time!