Holy moly has it been another month already??? WOW! Asher I love you… but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE slow down!!! I cant take it anymore!
Two of my favorite red heads 🙂
Okay… let me give a little background before the next picture haha. Yes this is me… but no this isnt my husband or son haha.
Me and my husband Cody (not pictured) are best friends with the parents of Asher… Coty and Mike. Yes I have a husband named Cody and a best friend named Coty. HAHA To confuse you further… both Co(DT)y’s happen to be married to REDHEADS (myself and Mike). I myself cant for some reason produce a red head baby LOL… so when Asher was born… well… hes the red head Ill never have haha 🙂
SO… we thought it would be funny to do a corny “family” photo… a red head family photo haha 🙂